March 8/9-The Flight

Here starts the journey of my lifetime :) it was awesome. On the 8th of March, Dad, Abby and I drove down to Seattle to catch our flight. There Abby said goodbye and Dad and I went to meet up with the others. We went on this trip with Bro Kim and Sis Heddy Dingwall, Beth Dingwall, Junia Maendel, Jonathan Frey, Oren and Joseph Hildebrandt, Elie and Sharon Gindo, Esther Waldner, Laura Esquivel, Ryan Snow, Jazmin Rosales and Hannah Funke. 
From my journal: 
March 8/9, we flew. All day. It was really long and boring and tiring. I sat beside Sharon on both flights. For the second flight, Bro Kim decided we needed something different so he said we needed kosher food. It was so nasty gross!!!!  There was a really cute little boy on that flight tho. He was 2 and he kept coming back to see us. It was cute. And then he cried when Laura left without giving him a hug. He was super cute. Then we got off the plane and went to our bed and breakfast. In our room, there was a lizard. It was really cute.
Dad and Jonathan. It was Jonathan's first time on a plane and he wanted to sleep. 
Hannah and Jazmin. It was jazmin's first flight too and she was SUPER hyper. 
Laura sat by herself. 
Ryan and Elie. 
Oren and Joe. 

Esther Waldner and her random seatmate
Bro Kim and Sis Heddy 
Sharon and I. We sat together on every flight 
Dad and Bro Kim stretching their legs. 
Hannah and Jazmin on the next flight. 
Laura and Esther (and Mike. The dude that Esther talked to the entire flight). 
Jonathan Elie and Oren 
Joe and Ryan 
The cute kid. 
Laura and the cute kid
The cute kid and I. 
Arrival at the Entebbe airport at 1130 at night. We claimed our 70 bags and went to the bed and breakfast we were staying at that night. 

My introduction to the heat and the mosquito nets.   
The cute lizard. 

March 10 - Jinja

From my journal:
7:30 AM: I love hearing the rooster crow in the morning. It's gotta be the best alarm clock ever!!
10:00 AM: We are on our way from Entebbe to Jinja. The road is so bumpy!! It is like the church road in Grande Prairie during a rainstorm (minus the water). And I'm pretty sure it is like the highway... It is not very easy on the bladder... :D The street sweepers here are basically women with brooms. Its really neat.Coca Cola is a big thing here. All the stores advertise "Ice cold Coca Cola" or else they say "Live on the Coke side of life". The animals here run wild. Like there are chickens and goats and cows just walking down the side of the road. Also, there are a lot of little kids. They tend to each other. Like the older ones pack the younger ones around and they all just play together and work together. The women here are very decent. They pretty much all wear dresses and skirts.
2:00 PM: We are out for lunch at a restaurant. There is wifi here so everyone is texting and emailing their parents. Except me of course. I'm texting my siblings. This morning, we got to the church at about 10:30. We were only like a half hour late. Dad preached on "Is Anything Too Hard For the Lord?". I kept almost falling asleep. WHich was really bad... I think it was because its like 4 AM at home and stuff. But we actually are adjusting very well. It was EXTREMELY warm in the church though. We sang "Lord I Lift Your Name". Sharon sang the first verse and I sang the second. The bathrooms at the church are just holes on the ground... [the bathrooms here ended up being the best bathrooms at any of the churches we went to] Kinda gross but its not as bad as I'd expected. But being here really makes us appreciate what we have at home.
Later: After lunch, we all went outside to put bug dope on and somehow Esther W managed to strike up a conversation with the porter at the hotel. I think she asked him how old he was or something. Anyways I went back into the hotel to get my backpack and by the time I got back, he had given her his email. Anyways the boys were all posing with the policeman who was guarding the hotel and I got a picture too. Then it was time to go back to church. All eight of us girls piled into a 'buckey' (as Hannah calls it) with Bro Emmanuel. Dad preached about "The Engraver". We attempted to sing "Master of the Wind" and butchered it so badly :( Nobody remembered where Bro Kim took his breaks so we were very disjointed. And we all were fighting sleep in church. It was really hot and our body clocks were all messed up. Jet leg really vacuums..... After church, we (Sharon, Hannah, Junia and I) went to the place we were staying at. That was interesting because we kinda just like walked into the house of people that we had never seen before in our lives and then we have to stay here for the next week. They seem pretty cool though. There are so many people I've lost count. It is all one family though. I know there is a young girl named Esther [Sis Sarah's niece I think], and a little boy named Jesha [their grandson] and then the mom is named Sarah and the dad is Fred. There are a lot of other girls. There is a Shalom, a Lydia, a Edith and thats all I remember. Oh and there is Ruth (she talked to us and made us feel very welcome), Phoebe [Sis Sarah's niece as well] and Ariel [the daughter-in-law, Jesha's mom]. After we got welcomed by everyone and had tea, we unpacked all the stuff from our bags that wasn't ours to take to the church. When we finished, we were just sitting on our beds talking to Shalom and I fell asleep against the wooden bedpost apparently. Junia kinda woke me up so I could lay down. I was out cold!! lol. Then they woke me again at 10:30 and we had dinner.

 Jazmin and Laura waiting for breakfast
 Sharon and Junia
 Bro Kim, Joe, and Ryan
 Our first taste of Uganda fruit
 Hannah singing into my water bottle
 The view from the bed and breakfast
 Packing up all our luggage to go to Jinja
 Esther Waldner
 A sign for a school
 The countryside
 A random bed shop. There were a lot of those.
 Where the Uganda Cranes play
 "A Billion Reasons to Believe in Africa" Coca Cola
 Beth, Junia and Sis Heddy at lunch
 Oren, Ryan, and Joe

 Jonathan and Elie

 The guard
 The toilet :D
 My first Ugandan friend, Miriam
 A chicken in the church yard
 Sharon's bed
Hannah and Junia's beds

March 11 - Sewing and evening service

From my journal:
Today we got up at like 9ish. We had a breakfast of bread and peanut paste. The peanut paste was DELISH!!!! Its like peanut butter but a thousand times better. Then we went to the church at around 10. We sorted through the suitcases and then packed up all the sewing stuff and Message Hub stuff into the trucks. Then Junia, Sis Heddy, Beth, Oren, Jazmin, Laura and I went to Bro Stephen's house. Oren and Beth taught the Message Hub, Jazmin and Laura sorted sewing stuff and watched babies and Junia, Sis Heddy and I taught sewing. I discovered that I am not a very good teacher... At around 2, everyone else came and we had lunch. Then all us girls (except Hannah and Sharon) went to church. After church, we went to the pastor (Bro Samson I think) house for a meal. It was really nice. There were a lot of different foods. Their main staples are rice and banana/matoka/plantain. The food is really good but my stomach is very sensitive to it :( We rode home with Bro Emmanuel. He is a pastor in Eganga. He told us that he lives off only what the Lord has blessed him with. Every month he only gets maybe $100. With that he sends his five boys to school, buys food and everything. School costs $350 per term and there are three terms in a year. The people here are so amazing. They totally trust in God for everything and they are so content. And they are so welcoming! Like everyone we talk to says "You are so welcome!" or "You are very welcome!". They are just such amazing people!! After we got home, I went almost right to sleep. And I had already eaten dinner so I didn't have to get up. Junia came in after they ate dinner and I was like 'Is it already morning?'. I was so tired!!! lol.

 Sewing machines and construction stuff
 Transformers and computers
 All these suitcases are full of fabric and notions donated by the sisters at church
 Print stations
 I don't think they got much sleep at their house...

 Jonathan building a ladder for them to use.
 An adorable little baby boy :)
 Sewing stuff in the back of Bro Emmanuel's vehicle
 Ryan helping with the ladder
 Sorting the sewing and Message Hub stuff
 The cute baby
 Attempting to teach
 Sis Heddy doing an amazing job
 Junia being an awesome teacher
 The view from Bro Stephen's house
 Jonathan and the baby
 The service

  Some mothers and their children

 An adorable little girl
 I love this picture!!
 The nursery
 The pastor's niece that they took in
 The pastor
 Rice and matoka
A logging truck

Some worship